Rules and Regulations


Registration is available ONLINE ONLY.  Absolutely no race day registration is available (the only exception is the free 1 KM Children’s Challenge which only has on-site registration).  Online registration closes at 11:59 PM the Wednesday prior to each event, unless sold out! We offer three choices for race registration:

  • Register for a Season Pass and get discounted entry into all 5 races in one region.

  • Register for individual races.

  • Register for individual races as part of a Team (Team Challenge)

5 Peaks offers discounted registration for individuals and season pass holders who register before January 1 or April 1.

Park entry/ user fees /parking fees: Park entry fees, where applicable, will be added to your race registration fees at the time of your on-line registration. These will be shown as a separate line entry on your receipt. At venues where parking fees may apply, racers are responsible to pay for parking on race day.

Season Pass: Please note that when registering for a season’s pass you must choose either Sport, Enduro, Grit or 3k Kids for ALL races.  

Refunds or Transfers

All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.  There are no refunds or transfers for any reason including event cancellation. In the event that an event is cancelled or postponed, 5 Peaks Adventures Ltd. will make every effort to reschedule the race to a later date. If the registrant can not make the rescheduled date, the registrant acknowledges that no refund will be granted. For legal and liability reasons, runners cannot offer their unused bib to any other runner.

Race Course

While we make every effort to ensure that the course is well marked and marshalled, running off-course, whether by runner error, course marking error, marshalling error or any other reason, is an inherent risk to an event of this type. It’s the responsibility of the runner to study the course map and to follow the course markers. Racers must complete the entire course as marked. Altering the course by not following the markers is against the rules and racers doing so will result in a racer be disqualified from the standings. In the interest of racer safety the following items are not permitted on course:

  • Dogs

  • Strollers or baby joggers

  • Nordic walking poles

  • Ipods, mp3s, walkmans, and head phones: For your safety and the safety of your fellow participants, you are encouraged NOT to use iPods, MP3 players, or similar devices during the race. However, if you choose to use such a device, it is recommended that you keep the volume at a level at which you are aware of your environment, other racers, and any emergency situations which may arise.

Many courses are on trails that the runners share with other traffic, such as bikes, hikers, horses and others. 5 Peaks Adventures Ltd. does its best to ensure the safety of participants and will inform other users of our event to the best of our ability. It is incumbent on the participant to be aware of and respect other trail users and park traffic at all times. This means giving right of way to park or land officials, informing other trail users of your presence by calling out them politely and giving right of way when appropriate.

Age and Age Categories

Racers will be placed in their age category according to their age on Dec 31 of the race (current) year.

Age categories are recognized in both male and female, as follows: 3 km: 10 and under, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18; Sport, Enduro and Grit:

  • F01-14

  • F15-19

  • F20-29

  • F30-39

  • F40-49

  • F50-59

  • F60-69

  • F70+

  • M01-14

  • M15-19

  • M20-29

  • M30-39

  • M40-49

  • M50-59

  • M60-69

  • M70+


Finishers who place in the top 3 in each of age, sex and distance categories, receive a finisher’s gold, silver, or bronze medal which can be picked up at the Awards Ceremony. The medal must be picked up at the event, it will not be mailed.  All participants are eligible for draw prizes at each event, but must be present at the draw to be eligible. In some cases it may be possible to exchange your prize at the event. No exchanges will be made after the race.

Race Swag

Our wonderfully unique race swag is available for those who finish the race. Swag will not be mailed.

Aid / Water

5Peaks will make every attempt to provide water and energy drink at the start finish area and one location along the course.  Although there are aid and water stations on course racers should make every attempt to carry their own aid / fluid replacement systems while on course. Participant Waiver As indicated within our participant waiver, the registrant acknowledges participating at their own risk and hereby for them self, heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims no matter how arising they may have as a result of having participated in this event including without limitation and negligence. They expressly confirm their understanding that the participation in this event is entirely at their sole risk and that the organizers and sponsors of the event, and their respective officers, employees, agents, and all volunteers or other persons engaged in the production of the event or other wise associated with it shall have no liability for any damages sustained by them or any injury or loss, including personal or property loss, which they might suffer. They acknowledge that their image may be recorded (by video or photograph) during the events. They agree to the use of their name and image in broadcasts, newspapers, brochures, promotional material and other media without compensation.